Monthly Archives: November 2013

Well, you get these ideas in your head sometimes, don’t you? This story, first written in around 1996 (jeepers) was the result of the purchase of a splendid velvet coat  (I still have it)  and some mad dream I had on holiday  in Andalucia, which I scribbled down – and it’s pretty much an accurate re-telling – as soon as I woke  up. It was published in the legendary QWF magazine that same summer and, apart from pulling it out and filing it in a poly-pocket for posterity, I’ve not so much as given it a thought since.

Till this morning, that is, when I realised it was the Dr Who half-century (like anyone could miss it), and I thought ‘I know – I’ll take some pix of it (it pre-dates all technology beyond the floppy disc) and wang it up here as my  personal homage’. Gold stars to all who can immediately recognise which incarnation I was rocking around London with that night.

It’s quite raw. This was early in my writing career. But it’s of its time. Which, as I’m sure any Timelord will tell you,  is a thing to be tampered with at one’s peril…



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Cannot tell you how excited I was yesterday to log in to and stumble  (and it was a stumble, too) upon the frankly astounding bit of news that I was the  number one (that’s NUMBER ONE) most popular author in their Kindle biographies and memoirs category, and number 6 across all versions of  all books. Of course, I’m well aware that it’s mostly only authors  who spend any time feverishly checking such stats – tragic insecure folk that we are  –  but I make no apology for sharing as I’m just too excited. This is a career first for me, after all.

Of course it does help that  I have quite a few titles out there currently, and that I’ve had the privilege of ghosting some pretty incredible stories – so huge thanks to all my co-writers and collaborators. Not to mention my incredible agent, Andrew Lownie, and the various amazing editors I’ve worked with, and the incredible readers and, oh Lordy, I should stop right now, shouldn’t I?

Anyway, to celebrate, I did three things.

1. Had the Amazon logo tattooed on my backside.

2. Took a screenshot

3. Finally got my US Amazon Author Page done and verified.

And, yes, one of those was a lie. I had already booked the tattoo and it’s ringfenced for a column…

Anyway, here is the link:

:) As you were.

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