
News Update March 2022

Another year, another website refresh. This time to let you know that I have a new book coming out. Incredible Kratu, which I co-authored with his equally incredible human soul-mate, Tess Eagle Swan, is published by Bonnier 7th March 2022 and will be available in all good bookshops and the usual online portals.

More details of this amazing story (and it is – those are the only kind I want to co-write!) can be found on my blog page, but if you want a little taste of Kratu doing his legendary thing at Crufts, just click here. (PS it’s Kratu, pronounced ‘kray-too’, and he’s a boy dog…)


Teaching-wise, I’m on a break this spring, due to family commitments, but if you can’t wait for next year or, indeed, can’t get to Cardiff (or, indeed, just want to get that fiction inside you written), this seems a good place to mention my two concise writing guides, which are the book versions of  my creative writing courses. Novel and Telling Tales have both had a bit of an update and facelift.  And you can even get the latter now as a paperback. They are step by step guides that should help you on your way, if one of your goals is to get to grips with your writing this year.


Anyway, welcome to my website – the place where you can find answers to all those me-related questions that you probably never even realised you wanted answers to. Be it about my ghostwriting, my novels, or my teaching, it’s all here, and, as is becoming something of a tradition now, never knowingly more than a year out of date.